# Translation of Themes - Futurio in Polish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Themes - Futurio package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-22 11:27:49+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Themes - Futurio\n"
#. Description of the theme
msgid "Futurio is a lightweight, fast and customizable free multi-purpose and WooCommerce WordPress theme, suitable for business, portfolio, creative, and photography sites, eCommerce shops, landing pages, blogs or WooCommerce storefronts. Futurio works perfectly with all page builders, like Elementor, Beaver Builder, King Composer, Brizy, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin, Divi or Gutenberg, and supports most free and premium WordPress plugins, like WooCommerce, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO and many more. Futurio is responsive, SEO friendly, WPML, translation and RTL ready, and comes with a 1-click-demo-import feature. Demos ready for download: https://futuriowp.com/demos/"
msgstr "Futurio to lekki, szybki i dostosowywany darmowy, wielofunkcyjny motyw WooCommerce WordPress, odpowiedni dla witryn biznesowych, portfolio, twórczych oraz witryn fotograficznych, sklepów e-commerce, stron docelowych, blogów lub witryn sklepowych WooCommerce. Futurio doskonale współpracuje ze wszystkimi kreatorami stron, takimi jak Elementor, Beaver Builder, King Composer, Brizy, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin, Divi lub Gutenberg a przy tym obsługuje większość darmowych i płatnych wtyczek WordPress takich jak WooCommerce, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO i wiele innych. Futurio jest responsywny, przyjazny dla SEO, WPML, gotowy do tłumaczenia i RTL oraz wyposażony w funkcję 1-click-demo-import. Prezentacje gotowe do pobrania: https://futuriowp.com/demos/"
#. Theme Name of the theme
msgid "Futurio"
msgstr "Futurio"
#: functions.php:823
msgid "Skip to the content"
msgstr "Przejdź do treści"
#: lib/customizer/customizer-notice/class-customizer-notice.php:144
#: lib/customizer/plugin-install/class-plugin-install-helper.php:110
msgid "Activating"
msgstr "Włączanie"
#: comments.php:56
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "Możliwość komentowania została wyłączona."
#. translators: 1: number of comments, 2: post title
#: comments.php:23
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”"
msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”"
msgstr[0] "%1$s komentarz do “%2$s”"
msgstr[1] "%1$s komentarze do “%2$s”"
msgstr[2] "%1$s komentarzy do “%2$s”"
#. translators: %s: post title
#: comments.php:19
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "One thought on “%s”"
msgstr "Jeden komentarz do “%s”"
#: 404.php:40
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?"
msgstr "Niczego tutaj nie ma. Może użyj wyszukiwarki?"
#: 404.php:37
msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found."
msgstr "Ups! Nie udało się znaleźć pożądanej strony."
#. translators: %s: search result string
#: search.php:9
msgid "Search Results for: %s"
msgstr "Wyniki wyszukiwania: %s"
#: functions.php:623
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Moje konto"
#: functions.php:573
msgid "View your shopping cart"
msgstr "Zobacz zawartość koszyka"
#: functions.php:557
msgid "By"
msgstr "przez"
#: functions.php:542
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Następne"
#: functions.php:542
msgid "Next Post"
msgstr "Następny wpis"
#: functions.php:541
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Poprzedni"
#: functions.php:541
msgid "Previous Post"
msgstr "Poprzedni wpis"
#: functions.php:402
msgid "Comment on "
msgstr "Komentarz do"
#: functions.php:397
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Wyłączone"
#. translators: %1$s: Futurio name with futuriowp.com URL
#: functions.php:366
msgid "Theme: %1$s"
msgstr "Motyw: %1$s"
#. translators: %s: WordPress name with wordpress.org URL
#: functions.php:361
msgid "https://wordpress.org/"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/"
#. translators: %s: WordPress name with wordpress.org URL
#: functions.php:361
msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
msgstr "Dumnie wspierane przez %s"
#: functions.php:337
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Tagi"
#: functions.php:333
msgid "Posted in"
msgstr "Opublikowano w"
#: functions.php:275
msgid "WooCommerce archive sidebar"
msgstr "Panel boczny archiwum WooCommerce"
#: functions.php:265
msgid "WooCommerce Sidebar"
msgstr "Panel boczny WooCommerce"
#: functions.php:254
msgid "Footer Section"
msgstr "Sekcja stopki"
#: functions.php:244
msgid "Menu Section"
msgstr "Sekcja menu"
#: functions.php:234
msgid "Archive sidebar"
msgstr "Panel boczny archiwum"
#: functions.php:224
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Panel boczny"
#: functions.php:26
msgid "Homepage main menu"
msgstr "Główne menu strony domowej"
#: functions.php:25
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Główne menu"
#: content-none.php:19
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "Nie udało się znaleźć tego, czego szukasz. Być może wyszukiwanie przyniesie lepsze rezultaty."
#: content-none.php:14
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "Brak wyników wyszukiwania. Proszę spróbować ponownie z innymi słowami."
#. translators: %1$s: link to admin area
#: content-none.php:8
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "Wszystko gotowe? Zacznij tutaj i opublikuj swój pierwszy wpis."
#: content-none.php:2
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "Niczego nie znaleziono"
#: lib/dashboard.php:129
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instaluj"
#. translators: %s: Plugin name string
#: lib/dashboard.php:76 lib/dashboard.php:126
#: lib/customizer-plugin-recommend.php:20
msgid "To take full advantage of all the features this theme has to offer, please install and activate the %s plugin."
msgstr "Aby w pełni wykorzystać wszystkie funkcje, które oferuje ten motyw, zainstaluj i włącz wtyczkę %s."
#. translators: %s: Theme name
#: lib/dashboard.php:83
msgid "Get started with %s"
msgstr "Rozpocznij z %s"
#. translators: %s: Theme name
#: lib/dashboard.php:70 lib/dashboard.php:120
#: lib/customizer-plugin-recommend.php:24
msgid "Thank you for installing %s."
msgstr "Dziękujemy za zainstalowanie %s."
#: lib/futurio-plugin-install.php:75
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej"
#: lib/futurio-plugin-install.php:55 lib/customizer-plugin-recommend.php:25
msgid "Install now"
msgstr "Zainstaluj teraz"
#: lib/dashboard.php:129
#: lib/customizer/plugin-install/class-plugin-install-helper.php:59
#: lib/customizer/plugin-install/class-plugin-install-helper.php:75
#: lib/futurio-plugin-install.php:40 lib/customizer-plugin-recommend.php:26
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Włącz"
#: lib/dashboard.php:129 lib/futurio-plugin-install.php:29
msgid "Activated"
msgstr "Włączono"
#: lib/wp_bootstrap_navwalker.php:326
msgid "Add a menu"
msgstr "Dodaj menu"
#: template-parts/template-part-postauthor.php:4
msgid "About The Author"
msgstr "O autorze"
#: template-parts/template-part-mainmenu.php:101
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menu"
#. Author URI of the theme
msgid "https://futuriowp.com/about/"
msgstr "https://futuriowp.com/about/"
#. Author of the theme
msgid "FuturioWP"
msgstr "FuturioWP"
#. Theme URI of the theme
msgid "https://futuriowp.com/"
msgstr "https://futuriowp.com/"